商业建筑的室内空气质量一直是一个挑战, but Swedish company Sally R looked to space to see if they could find a solution that could be applied on Earth. 灵感来自国际空间站使用的技术, 他们为商业地产开发了一种基于云的服务, 使他们能够实现ESG目标. The solution optimises performance for commercial HVAC systems resulting in energy savings and improved air quality. 

将这种解决方案推广到乐博彩票官方app以外一直是Sally R的目标, 在成功扩张到英国之后, 他们把目光牢牢地锁定在美国乐博彩票官方app上. Sally R以前的做法是直接与合作伙伴接触, but the task of navigating the size and complexity of the US market meant they wanted and needed help to accelerate their sales. 

The partnership between Sally R and 乐博彩票官方app商业 began with mapping and defining a set of criteria that would help identify which states would be best suited to meet the ambitions of their expansion plans. 使用大约20个不同的标准点, 专门为建筑管理和暖通空调行业量身定制, 美国的五个地区被确定为最适合Sally R的产品, 满足建筑行业需求, 从能源和系统政策的角度来看是一致的. 

美国乐博彩票官方app为Sally R .等欧洲科技公司提供了巨大的机会. 同时, 乐博彩票官方app的规模也带来了挑战, 比如从哪里开始,从哪里开始. We're thankful for finding a great local partner in 乐博彩票官方app商业 who could help us with the initial work of data-based analysis as well as reaching out to potential partners 莎莉R首席执行官弗雷德里克•滕伯格

这个分析是寻找伴侣的跳板. 从一个超过4个的长列表开始,000家公司来自多个来源, a screening and filtering process began according to criteria set by Sally R and 乐博彩票官方app商业. 这, 再加上乐博彩票官方app商业公司对当地的了解, enabled the team to narrow down the list to approximately 100 companies – all suitable for a successful partnership. 

The ensuing stakeholder engagement by 乐博彩票官方app商业 led to three physical meetings with interested partners, 另外还有三家公司表示有兴趣在未来进行合作. 命中率超过百分之十, 参与阶段确保与最有希望的合作伙伴进行讨论, 可能会有试点和合作伙伴协议.

We took an analytical approach which allowed us to identify leading players with potential for Sally R; this also provided a framework for future growth. Working with a company that’s at the intersection of AI and energy optimisation was a fantastic opportunity, 帮助把Sally R的解决方案带到美国. 商业建筑急需创新, 我们期待着跟随Sally R的乐博彩票官方app进入.” 垫海岸,商业乐博彩票官方app项目经理

Sally R are now well on their way to expanding their global footprint in one of the world’s biggest commercial building markets, 有能力探索新的增长机会和战略合作伙伴关系. 



Identify specific US states and potential partners with the right industry knowledge and local presence to support market entry and expansion.


Identified and qualified potential partners according to a set of criteria that were jointly defined by Sally R and 乐博彩票官方app商业. 运用本地知识, 标准数据, 并对结果进行乐博彩票官方app分析, 乐博彩票官方app商业部安排了与潜在合作伙伴的会面, giving Sally R the opportunity to choose the most suitable partner for their US market entry

乐博彩票官方app商业 assisted in identifying and qualifying potential partners to Sally R according to jointly agreed criteria. 乐博彩票官方app商业部也接触了最合适的公司, 安排会议,促进对话.


A pilot project is currently being discussed with the identified partner in the state that was deemed the most suitable. Sally R have also established contact with and are exploring future opportunities with several other potential stakeholders.


Sally R’s cloud-based service for commercial real estate will help local companies achieve ESG goals. 通过与美国公司合作,优化暖通空调系统的性能, they are contributing to energy savings and improved air quality in the commercial building sector.


Would you like to learn more about how we can help to grow your global sales in the 美洲? 请联系 垫海岸 更多信息请访问乐博彩票官方app商务网.